
Showing posts from March, 2013

rendy's birthday..

surprised...!! kaka ultah dan mama khusus ke pondoklabu untuk anter kado dan kue ultah.. happy birthday, son..!!! semoga tambah pinter, cepet besar, berani, dan makin percaya diri.. mommy loves u.. :*

go to dentist..

cek baby cek ke dr gigi deket rumah di bintara yg notabene lebih sabar terhadap anak2.. Kaka sempet trauma ke dokter gigi gara2 ulah dokter di RS Langganan P*ri C*nere dimana obat biusnya blm bekerja sempurna tapi sang drg udah melakukan tindakan..

34 years ago.. hello world..!!

Thank God for all the best that U have been giving to me and still continuing.. I wish for the best health, best wealth, and best happiness for me, my husband nugroho, my boy rendy, and my daughter nandhita.. to be a great and solid team to face the world challenge, keep humble and always close to U and keep in Ur right way.... Thank U Allah.. Alhamdulillah & Bismillah.. *God always be with us.. ♥ Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®